Sunday 5 February 2012

Review! Laneway Bar

Hi there,

I apologise for my clear lack of attention over the past few weeks. I've been moving house, securing a new job and helping a good friend out. The good news is: I do have a new job, and a place to call home and my friend is going to be OK. All things considered, life is pretty swell. 

Sorting out these matters has given me the time to go out for a drink and finally review a bar! Something I've been wanting to do for ages.

The Bare essentials:

181 Mary Street, Brisbane City

Best for: Cocktails & good conversation

I have to make a confession: it's really hard for me to go anywhere in Brisbane for a drink and not know someone on the other side of the bar, and Laneway is no exception. The three main men there get a lot of respect from me. Aidan White, Kal Moore and Perryn (Pez) Collier are extremely talented bartenders in their own right, and I know all of them well enough to stop and have a conversation. 

I tell you this because I know you're thinking "OK here she goes, plugging her mate's bar". But quite to the contrary. I had high expectations when I walked down Spencer Lane (the easiest way to access the bar) with my lovely friend Fauve.

We walked up the stairs and were greeted warmly. Table service is standard, and so we sat and perused the wine list. Both Fauve and I were fresh from the daily grind, clad in work clothes and ready for something refreshing. Our barkeep suggested a Weka Cider. He told us a little about it and it was delicious. From New Zealand, a mixture of pears and apples made for the best knock off bevy I've had in a while. 

We ordered some food, also delicious and prompt. We were well tended to by the bartender and wait staff without being annoyed by constant checking. As the clock moved further away from 5pm the place started to fill up. For a Wednesday night, I was quite impressed.

This didn't appear to slow the guys behind the bar down though. I ordered a margarita (you may recall, it's the drink I order at a bar I haven't been to before) and Fauve got a glass of wine. They both arrived at the table before we got too thirsty and I must say, that margarita was delicious. Perfectly balanced, no sugar and a half salt rim (so you can taste it with and without salt). I give it.... 5/5 limes

There aren't too many places in the city centre worth checking out for a drink, but this is surely one of them. Overall, Laneway is a quaint watering hole with easy-going yet professional staff. The decor is pretty basic, but I don't think they really need anything to take away from the simplicity of the drinking experience that is good service and tasty drinks. I said before that I had high expectations, and in this case they were met easily. Well done Laneway. I'll be back!

I've decided that at each bar, I'm going to let you get to know a bartender as I did in my first post. I've said before, I do know these guys, so it was easy to get Pez to answer a couple of questions about his drinking style. When you go there, look for the guy with the beard!

Pez 101

Favourite Spirit: Apertifs but not Amaros (you can ask him what they are in more detail, but basically drinks you have before eating)

What I drink…

When it’s hot: Aperol & Prosecco or a Calimacho (red wine and coke)

When it’s cold: Whisky

To wind down: A glass of red, especially Italian wines like a Barolo

To party: Rum & ginger beer (I like the sugar hit!)

In a new bar: Gin & tonic. There are so many ways to serve it (glass, garnish etc.) that I like to see each bartender's take on it

Favourite pick up line: "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?!" CLASSIC!

Although Laneway isn't a "new bar", it was on my must-try list. There are plenty of places popping up all over town right now, so look out for more boozy adventures in new bars soon!


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